RPi Locator and Display Services
Package includes two features. One designed to both locate your Pi and provide a list of known services. The other acts as a central LCD display service, allowing other network devices/nodes to send a one-liners to the service for display on its LCD.
Each Raspberry Pi, Mac OSX, and Linux node in your network could execute udp_locator_service (LocatorService) as a backgound program using SystemD, a LaunchD PList, or an init script of some sort. The LocatorService collects the address of the machine it running on and creates a entry in its ServiceRegistry; which it sends to clients that requests it.
This establishes the network of locators, for which a udp_locator_client can poll at any time to find your Pi.
Likewise the lcd_display_service executes on nodes that also have an LCD Display of some sort; Serial/USB, MCP23008, or PCF8574 based. It is the provider of the shared LCD Display, and the target of the lcd_display_client (DisplayClient). DisplayClients query all LocatorServices for their active ServiceRegistry, and pickout the default lcd_display_service entry, or via command line option *–alt-service-name=my_service_name*.
Once a DisplayService is located, the DisplayClient sends a message to the DisplayService to display; from the command line *-m* option. Or if the DisplayClient has been started in *–non-stop=60* mode, it will send random status messages automatically to the DisplayService; in this case every 30 seconds.
Recent additions include a GTK+3 Display Service(gtkDS), a Plain Command Line Display Service(cmdDS), a GLIB-2.0 based Display Client(cmdDC), and a GSSDP based Display Client(gssdpDC). Note: gtkDS and cmdDS program include the udp_locator_service internally.
These apps were not intended to be final form applications. Instead they are well formed starters for your own projects.
Program | Type | Platform | Port | Description |
*gtkDS | Server | any | 48028 | Maintains a list of known network services accessible via UDP socket, and offers the GTK display service. |
*cmdDS | Server | any | 48028 | Maintains a list of known network services accessible via UDP socket, and offers the CmdLine display service. |
udp_locator_service | Server | any | 48028 | Maintains a list of known network services accessible via UDP socket. |
udp_locator_client | Client | any | n/a | Collect services info from Service, which includes that service's ip address. |
*cmdDC | Client | any | n/a | Sends text one-liner to any display service. |
lcd_display_service | Server | RPi | 48029 | Accepts one-line messages over udp and display them on a LCD panel. |
lcd_display_client | Client | any | n/a | Sends one-liner composed of various Pi metrics; like cpus, temps, etc. |
para_display_client | Client | Parallella | n/a | Sends one-liner with Zynq chip's temperature. |
a2d_display_client | Client | Rpi | n/a | Sends one-liner with measured temp and light sensor values from *AD/DA Shield Module For Raspberry Pi * |
*gssdpDC | Client | any | n/a | Sends text one-liner to any display service, after locating it using GSSDP/GUPNP. |
udp_locator_service -- Provides IPv4 Addres/Port Service info. Skoona Development <skoona@gmail.com> Usage: udp_locator_service [-v] [-s] [-m "<delimited-response-message-string>"] [-h|--help] udp_locator_service udp_locator_service -s -a mcp_display_service udp_locator_service -m 'name=mcp_locator_service, ip=, port=48028|' Options: -a, --alt-service-name=my_service_name *lcd_display_service* is default, use this to change name. -s, --include-display-service Includes DisplaySerivce in default Registry response. *Presumes both are located on same machine; otherwise enter with '-m'* -m, --message ServiceRegistry<delimited-response-message-string> to send. -v, --version Version printout. -h, --help Show this help screen. **ServiceRegistry Format: _<delimited-response-message-string>_** delimited-response-message-string : required order -> name,ip,port,line-delimiter... format: "name=<service-name>,ip=<service-ipaddress>ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd,port=<service-portnumber>ddddd <line-delimiter>" name=<service-name> text_string_with_no_spaces ip=<service-ipaddress> ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd port=<service-portnumber> ddddd REQUIRED <line-delimiter> is one of these '|', '%', ';' **example: -m "name=lcd_display_service,ip=,port=48028|"** ** -m "name=rpi_locator_service, ip=, port=48028|name=lcd_display_service, ip=, port=48029|"**
udp_locator_client – Collect IPv4 Address/Port Service info from all providers. Skoona Development skoon Usage: udp_locator_client [-v] [-m 'any text msg'] [-u] [-a 'my_service_name'] [-h|–help] udp_locator_client udp_locator_client -u -a 'my_service_name' a@gm ail.c om
Options: -a, –alt-service-name=my_service_name lcd_display_service is default, use this to change name. -u, –unique-registry List unique entries from all responses. -m, –message Any text to send; _'QUIT!' causes service to terminate._ _'**ADD **<delimited-response-message-string>' – add new registry entry into Service_ -v, –version Version printout. -h, –help Show this help screen.
Supports on the 'YwRobot Arduino LCM1602 IIC V1 LCD Backpack'
- which uses the I2C controller PCF8574
- example: **_lcd_display_service -r4 -c20 -t pcf_**
- This is the default. example: **_lcd_display_service_**
Supports 'Adafruit IC2/SPI LCD Backpack'
- which is based on the I2C controller MCP23008
- example: **_lcd_display_service -r4 -c20 -t mcp_**
Supports 'Adafruit RGB Negative 16x2 LCD+Keypad Kit'
- which is based on the I2C controller * MCP23017*
- example: **_lcd_display_service -r2 -c16 -t mc7_**
- Untested: I don't have one to test
Supports for 'Adafruit USB/Serial LCD Backpack'
- which uses */dev/ttyACM0*
- example: **_lcd_display_service -r2 -c16 -p /dev/ttyACM0 -t ser_**
Supports for 'AD / DA Shield Module For Raspberry Pi'
- which is based on the I2C controller PCF8591T to access:
- - on-board temperature sensor; NTC, MF58103J3950, B value 3950K, 1 K ohm 5% Cantherm
- - on-board light sensors; GL5537-1 CdS Photoresistor
- example: **_a2d_display_client -i 73_**
lcd_display_service -- LCD 4x20 Display Provider. Skoona Development <skoona@gmail.com> Usage: lcd_display_service [-v] [-m 'Welcome Message'] [-r 4|2] [-c 20|16] [-i 39|32] [-t pcf|mcp|ser|mc7] [-p string] [-h|--help] Options: -r, --rows=dd Number of rows in physical display. -c, --cols=dd Number of columns in physical display. -p, --serial-port=string Serial port. | ['/dev/ttyACM0'] -i, --i2c-address=ddd I2C decimal address. | [0x27=39, 0x20=32] -t, --i2c-chipset=ccc I2C Chipset. | [pcf|mcp|ser|mc7] -m, --message Welcome Message for line 1. -v, --version Version printout. -h, --help Show this help screen.
lcd_display_client -- Send messages to display service. Skoona Development <skoona@gmail.com> Usage: lcd_display_client [-v] [-m 'text msg for display'] [-u] [-n] [-a 'my_service_name'] [-h|--help] lcd_display_client -u -m 'Please show this on shared display.' lcd_display_client -u -m 'Please show this on shared display.' -a 'ser_display_service' lcd_display_client -u -n 60 -a 'ser_display_service' lcd_display_client -u -n 60 -a 'mcp_display_service' para_display_client -n 330 a2d_display_client -i 73 -n 330 Options: -a, --alt-service-name=my_service_name *lcd_display_service* is default, use this to change name. -m, --message Message to send to display, default: *$ uname -a output* _'**QUIT!**' causes service to terminate._ -n, --non-stop=1|300 Continue to send updates every DD seconds until ctrl-break. -u, --unique-registry List unique entries from all responses. -i, --i2c-address=ddd I2C decimal address. | [0x49=73, 0x20=32] -v, --version Version printout. -h, --help Show this help screen.
Requires WiringPi and assume the Pi is using Raspbian.
$ autoreconf -isfv *Should not be required: use only if .configure produces errors* $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install
Only lcd_display_service requires WiringPi, builds automatically determine if wiringPi is available and build what is available to build.
08/08/2015 Found that concurrent I2C operations for LCD updates and reads from */sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp* cause the lcd_display_service to lockup with a process state of uninterruptible sleep. This is caused by the RPi's internal firmware, with no immediate resolution. To work around this issue, I have removed calls to getCpuTemp() from the lcd_display_service program.