Responsible for validating request params, processing request, and catching any exception
thereby guaranteeing a formatted response to the controller; containing only Ruby values. A
Services class which inherits from a Domain class is the primary structure; with Services classes
taking the request-exception-response role, and the Domain class taking the processing role.
# app/views/profiles/in_action.html.erb < % provide(:title, accessed_page_name ) %> < article > < div class = "jumbotron galaxy-dunes_mars" > < h1 class = "big-chalk" >< %= accessed_page_name %></h1> <p>You have been granted access to certain secure documentation resources. This page demonstrates advanced ContentProfile features used to provide you personalized and secure access to protected resources.</p> <p><a class= "btn btn-primary btn-lg" href = "<%= details_content_pages_path %>" role = "button" > More about ContentProfile < /a></ p > < /div> <h3 class="text-center">Welcome <%= @page_controls.payload.cp.display_name %><br/ >< small > Secured Documents < /small></ h3 > < section > < div class = "panel-group" id = "accordion" role = "tablist" aria - multiselectable = "false" data - accessible - url = "<%= @page_controls.payload.get_demo_content_object_url %>" > < % @page_controls.payload.display_groups.each_with_index do | cpe , idx | - %> <div class="col-md-6"> < div class = "panel panel-primary" style = "padding-bottom: 6px;" > < div class = "panel-heading" role = "tab" id = "heading<%= cpe.topic_type %><%= cpe.content_type %>" > < h4 class = "panel-title" > < a role = "button" data - toggle = "collapse" data - parent = "#accordion" href = "#collapse<%= cpe.topic_type %><%= cpe.content_type %>" aria - expanded = "true" aria - controls = "collapse<%= cpe.topic_type %><%= cpe.content_type %>" > < %= cpe.description %> </a> </h4> </div> <div id= "collapse<%= cpe.topic_type %><%= cpe.content_type %>" class = "panel-collapse collapse <%= 'in' if idx < 2 %>" role = "tabpanel" aria - labelledby = "heading<%= cpe.topic_type %><%= cpe.content_type %>" > < div class = "panel-body bg-warning" style = "max-height:298px; overflow: auto;" > < % cpe.content.each do | ctn | - %> <div class="well well-sm col-md-6 runtime-item bg-warning" data-package="<%= ctn.to_json %> " data-mh=" files - group "> <div class=" text - center "> <%= choose_content_icons(ctn) %> </div> <h5 class=" text - center "><%= ctn.filename %><br /><small><%= ctn.size %> | <%= ctn.created %></small><br/><small><%= ctn.source %></small></h5> </div> <% end %> </div> </div> </div> </div> <% end %> </div> </section> </article>
# app/helpers/application_controller.rb module ApplicationHelper ... # Services helper ### Converts named routes to string # Basic '/some/hardcoded/string/path' # '[:named_route_path]' # '[:named_route_path, {options}]' # '[:named_route_path, {options}, '?query_string']' # # Advanced ==> {engine: :demo, # path: :demo_profiles_path, # options: {id: 111304}, # query: '?query_string' # } # {engine: :sym, path: :sym , options: {}, query: ''} def page_action_paths ( paths ) case paths when Array case paths . size when 1 send ( paths [ 0 ] ) when 2 send ( paths [ 0 ], paths [ 1 ] ) when 3 rstr = send ( paths [ 0 ], paths [ 1 ] ) rstr + paths [ 2 ] end when Hash rstr = send ( paths [ :engine ]). send ( paths [ :path ], paths . fetch ( :options ,{}) ) rstr + paths . fetch ( :query , '' ) when String paths end rescue '#page_action_error' end # View helper def do_page_actions if @page_controls and @page_controls . page_actions? PageActionsBuilder . new ( @page_controls . hash_from ( :page_actions )[ :page_actions ], self , false ). to_s end end end # End module
# app/controllers/profiles_controller.rb class ProfilesController < ApplicationController def in_action_admin wrap_html_response content_service . handle_in_action_admin ( params . to_unsafe_h ) end def api_accessible_content wrap_json_response content_service . handle_api_accessible_content ( params . to_unsafe_h ) end def member_update wrap_html_and_redirect_response content_service . handle_member_updates ( params . to_unsafe_h ), members_profiles_url end def api_get_demo_content_object @page_controls = content_service . api_get_demo_content_object ( params . to_unsafe_h ) return render ( plain: "File not available!" , status: :not_found ) unless @page_controls . success and @page_controls . package . package . source? send_file ( @page_controls . package . package . source , filename: @page_controls . package . package . filename , type: @page_controls . package . package . mime , disposition: :inline ) and return end ... end end
# app/strategy/services/content_service.rb module Services class ContentService < Domains :: ContentProfileDomain def handle_in_action package = in_action_package SknUtils :: NestedResult . new ({ success: package [ :cp ]. present? , message: package [ :message ], payload: package }) rescue Exception => e Rails . logger . error " #{ self . class . name } . #{ __method__ } () Klass: #{ e . class . name } , Cause: #{ e . message } #{ e . backtrace [ 0 .. 4 ] } " SknUtils :: NestedResult . new ({ success: false , message: e . message , payload: [] }) end ... end end
# app/strategy/domains/content_profile_domain.rb module Domains class ContentProfileDomain < DomainsBase def in_action_package profile = db_profile_provider . content_profile_for_runtime ( current_user ) success = profile . present? && profile [ :display_groups ]. present? { message: ( success ? "" : "No Access Provided. Please contact Customer Service with any questions." ), cp: ( success ? profile : {}), display_groups: ( success ? profile . delete (: display_groups ) : []), get_demo_content_object_url: page_action_paths ([ :api_get_demo_content_object_profiles_path ]) } end ... end end
# app/strategy/domains/domains_base.rb module Domains class DomainsBase attr_accessor :registry def initialize ( params = {}) params . keys . each do | k | instance_variable_set "@ #{ k . to_s } " . to_sym , nil instance_variable_set "@ #{ k . to_s } " . to_sym , params [ k ] end raise ArgumentError , " #{ self . class . name } : Missing required initialization param!" if @registry . nil? end def self . inherited ( klass ) Rails . logger . debug ( " #{ self . name } inherited By #{ klass . name } " ) end private # Easier to code than delegation, or forwarder # Allows, service, to access objects in service_registry and/or controller methods by name only: like curent_user def method_missing ( method , * args , & block ) Rails . logger . debug ( " #{ self . class . name } # #{ __method__ } () looking for: #{ method } " ) block_given? ? registry . send ( method , * args , block ) : ( args . size == 0 ? registry . send ( method ) : registry . send ( method , * args )) end end end
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