A small collection of utilities like NestedHash class that provides dot notation to a hash of key/value pairs.
ServiceDomain methods return their data results inside an instance of this class, as a controller instance variable
@page_controls, to the related controller. SknUtils Gem provides the NestedHash
class and SknSettings used for application-level configuration values.
# app/controllers/profiles_controller.rb class ProfilesController < ApplicationController def in_action @page_controls = content_service . handle_in_action redirect_to root_path , notice: @page_controls . message and return unless @page_controls . success flash [ :notice ] = @page_controls . message if @page_controls . message . present? end ... end end
# app/strategy/services/content_service.rb module Services class ContentService < Domains :: ContentProfileDomain def handle_in_action package = in_action_package SknUtils :: NestedResult . new ({ success: package [ :cp ]. present? , message: package [ :message ], payload: package }) rescue Exception => e Rails . logger . error " #{ self . class . name } . #{ __method__ } () Klass: #{ e . class . name } , Cause: #{ e . message } #{ e . backtrace [ 0 .. 4 ] } " SknUtils :: NestedResult . new ({ success: false , message: e . message , payload: [] }) end ... end end
# app/helpers/application_controller.rb module ApplicationHelper ... ### Converts named routes to string # Basic '/some/hardcoded/string/path' # '[:named_route_path]' # '[:named_route_path, {options}]' # '[:named_route_path, {options}, '?query_string']' # # Advanced ==> {engine: :demo, # path: :demo_profiles_path, # options: {id: 111304}, # query: '?query_string' # } # {engine: :sym, path: :sym , options: {}, query: ''} def page_action_paths ( paths ) case paths when Array case paths . size when 1 send ( paths [ 0 ] ) when 2 send ( paths [ 0 ], paths [ 1 ] ) when 3 rstr = send ( paths [ 0 ], paths [ 1 ] ) rstr + paths [ 2 ] end when Hash rstr = send ( paths [ :engine ]). send ( paths [ :path ], paths . fetch ( :options ,{}) ) rstr + paths . fetch ( :query , '' ) when String paths end rescue '#page_action_error' end def do_page_actions if @page_controls and @page_controls . page_actions? PageActionsBuilder . new ( @page_controls . hash_from ( :page_actions )[ :page_actions ], self , false ). to_s end end end # End module
# app/views/profiles/in_action.html.erb < % provide(:title, accessed_page_name ) %> < article > < div class = "jumbotron galaxy-dunes_mars" > < h1 class = "big-chalk" >< %= accessed_page_name %></h1> <p>You have been granted access to certain secure documentation resources. This page demonstrates advanced ContentProfile features used to provide you personalized and secure access to protected resources.</p> <p><a class= "btn btn-primary btn-lg" href = "<%= details_content_pages_path %>" role = "button" > More about ContentProfile < /a></ p > < /div> <h3 class="text-center">Welcome <%= @page_controls.payload.cp.display_name %><br/ >< small > Secured Documents < /small></ h3 > < section > < div class = "panel-group" id = "accordion" role = "tablist" aria - multiselectable = "false" data - accessible - url = "<%= @page_controls.payload.get_demo_content_object_url %>" > < % @page_controls.payload.display_groups.each_with_index do | cpe , idx | - %> <div class="col-md-6"> < div class = "panel panel-primary" style = "padding-bottom: 6px;" > < div class = "panel-heading" role = "tab" id = "heading<%= cpe.topic_type %><%= cpe.content_type %>" > < h4 class = "panel-title" > < a role = "button" data - toggle = "collapse" data - parent = "#accordion" href = "#collapse<%= cpe.topic_type %><%= cpe.content_type %>" aria - expanded = "true" aria - controls = "collapse<%= cpe.topic_type %><%= cpe.content_type %>" > < %= cpe.description %> </a> </h4> </div> <div id= "collapse<%= cpe.topic_type %><%= cpe.content_type %>" class = "panel-collapse collapse <%= 'in' if idx < 2 %>" role = "tabpanel" aria - labelledby = "heading<%= cpe.topic_type %><%= cpe.content_type %>" > < div class = "panel-body bg-warning" style = "max-height:298px; overflow: auto;" > < % cpe.content.each do | ctn | - %> <div class="well well-sm col-md-6 runtime-item bg-warning" data-package="<%= ctn.to_json %> " data-mh=" files - group "> <div class=" text - center "> <%= choose_content_icons(ctn) %> </div> <h5 class=" text - center "><%= ctn.filename %><br /><small><%= ctn.size %> | <%= ctn.created %></small><br/><small><%= ctn.source %></small></h5> </div> <% end %> </div> </div> </div> </div> <% end %> </div> </section> </article>
ObjectStorageContainer is a utility singleton class that retains a reference to complex or expensive objects between requests. Since,
objects will be garbage collected after every request/response cycle, some type of session-like storage comes in handy. This is a memory-based
object connected to the ServiceRegistry and Provider classes, it uses the requesting classes name as part of its key/value storage model.
# File: app/strategy/registry/object_storage_services.rb # # Object Storage Support for domain and service classes # module Registry module ObjectStorageService def self . included ( klass ) klass . extend ClassMethods Rails . logger . debug ( " #{ self . name } included By #{ klass . name } " ) end ## # Class Methods # module ClassMethods @@object_storage_service_prefix = nil # protected # generate a new unique storage key def generate_new_storage_key object_store . generate_unique_key end # tests for keys existence def query_storage_key? ( storage_key ) object_store . has_storage_key? ( storage_key , oscs_get_context ) end # returns stored object def retrieve_storage_key ( storage_key ) object_store . get_storage_object ( storage_key , oscs_get_context ) end # Saves user object to InMemory Container def persist_storage_key ( storage_key , obj ) object_store . add_to_store ( storage_key . to_sym , obj , oscs_get_context ) end # Removes saved user object from InMemory Container def release_storage_key ( storage_key ) object_store . remove_from_store ( storage_key . to_sym , oscs_get_context ) end # Returns number of record in cache def count_storage_objects ( ctx = nil ) context = ctx || oscs_get_context object_store . size_of_store ( context ) end # Purge all over 2 days old def purge_older_than_two_days ( seconds = nil ) object_store . purge_by_seconds ( seconds ) # 2 days is default, else (Time.zone.now - 2.days).to_i end protected def oscs_get_context class_variable_get ( :@@object_storage_service_prefix ) end def oscs_set_context = ( str_val ) class_variable_set ( :@@object_storage_service_prefix , str_val ) end ## # Object Storage Container # - keeps a reference to hold object in memory between requests def object_store Secure :: ObjectStorageContainer . instance end end # ClassMethods module ## # Instance Methods # # Saves object to inMemory ObjectStore # Returns storage key, needed to retrieve def create_storage_key_and_store_object ( obj ) key = singleton_class . generate_new_storage_key () Rails . logger . debug ( " #{ self . class . name } . #{ __method__ } ( #{ obj . class . name } ) saved as new with key: #{ key } " ) singleton_class . persist_storage_key ( key , obj ) key end # Updates existing container with new object reference # returns object def update_storage_object ( key , obj ) Rails . logger . debug ( " #{ self . class . name } . #{ __method__ } ( #{ obj . class . name } ) updated existing with key: #{ key } " ) singleton_class . persist_storage_key ( key , obj ) obj end # Retrieves object from InMemory Storage # returns object def get_storage_object ( key ) obj = singleton_class . retrieve_storage_key ( key ) Rails . logger . debug ( " #{ self . class . name } . #{ __method__ } ( #{ obj . class . name } ) retrieved existing with key: #{ key } " ) obj end # Releases object from InMemory Storage # returns object, if present def delete_storage_object ( key ) obj = singleton_class . release_storage_key ( key ) Rails . logger . debug ( " #{ self . class . name } . #{ __method__ } ( #{ obj . class . name } ) removed existing object with key: #{ key } " ) obj end # Checks if object is in Storage # returns true|false def is_object_stored? ( key ) rc = singleton_class . query_storage_key? ( key ) Rails . logger . debug ( " #{ self . class . name } . #{ __method__ } () existing object with key: #{ key } , exists?: #{ rc ? 'True' : 'False' } " ) rc end def purge_storage_objects ( seconds = nil ) rc = singleton_class . purge_older_than_two_days ( seconds ) Rails . logger . debug ( " #{ self . class . name } . #{ __method__ } () purged #{ rc } items from storage." ) rc end end # end ObjectStorageService namespace end # end registry namespace
## # <Rails.root>/lib/Secure/object_storage_container.rb # ## Stores Objects in memory using ThreadSafe methods # - keys are expected to be unique and greater than 16 bytes long or (UUIDs) # * generate_new_key() produces a 32 char UUID # - context is a prefix for keys, which allows multiple caches in same storage container # - The internal storage template is: {key: [object, timestamp]} # * The timestamp allows for later cleanup if needed # # -- Maybe and Alternate Utility # Ref: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/caching_with_rails.html#activesupport-cache-store module Secure class ObjectStorageContainer include Singleton COVERRIDE = "Admin" # Context Override CDEFAULT = "Warden" def initialize Rails . logger . debug ( "Secure::ObjectStorageContainer => #{ self . class . name } initialized." ) @objects_storage_container = Hash . new end def generate_unique_key SecureRandom . hex ( 16 ) # returns a 32 char string end def get_new_secure_digest ( token ) BCrypt :: Password . create ( token , cost: ( BCrypt :: Engine :: MIN_COST + SknSettings . security . extra_digest_strength )) # Good and Strong end def remove_from_store ( key , context = CDEFAULT ) store_key = " #{ context } . #{ key . to_s } " . to_sym rc = @objects_storage_container . key? ( store_key ) ? @objects_storage_container . delete ( store_key ). first : nil Rails . logger . debug " #{ self . class . name } . #{ __method__ } ( #{ context } ) Key= #{ store_key . to_s } " rc end # Remove all entries more than two days old # Returns count removed def purge_by_seconds ( seconds = nil ) counter = 0 expired = seconds || ( Time . zone . now - 2 . days ). to_i # as an integer number of seconds since the Epoch. @objects_storage_container . delete_if do | k , v | if v . last < expired counter += 1 true else false end end Rails . logger . perf " #{ self . class . name } . #{ __method__ } () Count= #{ counter } " counter end def add_to_store ( key , object , context = CDEFAULT ) store_key = " #{ context } . #{ key . to_s } " . to_sym @objects_storage_container . update ({ store_key => [ object , Time . zone . now . to_i ]}) Rails . logger . debug " #{ self . class . name } . #{ __method__ } ( #{ context } ) Key= #{ store_key . to_s } " true # prevent return of full hash end def get_storage_object ( key , context = CDEFAULT ) store_key = " #{ context } . #{ key . to_s } " . to_sym rc = @objects_storage_container . key? ( store_key ) ? @objects_storage_container [ store_key ]. first : nil Rails . logger . debug " #{ self . class . name } . #{ __method__ } ( #{ context } ) Key= #{ store_key . to_s } " rc end def has_storage_key? ( key , context = CDEFAULT ) store_key = " #{ context } . #{ key . to_s } " . to_sym @objects_storage_container . key? ( store_key ) end def size_of_store ( context = CDEFAULT ) counter = 0 @objects_storage_container . each_key do | k | if context . eql? ( COVERRIDE ) counter += 1 elsif k . to_s . starts_with? ( context ) counter += 1 end end Rails . logger . debug " #{ self . class . name } . #{ __method__ } ( #{ context } ) KeyCount= #{ counter } " counter end # # Returns array of arrays where [[key-without-context, username],...] def list_storage_keys_and_value_class () results = [] @objects_storage_container . each_pair do | k , v | name = v . first . try ( :username ) || v . first . try ( :[] , :username ) || "not found" parts = k . to_s . split ( '.' ) results << { klass: parts [ 0 ], key: parts [ 1 ], vklass: v . first . class . name , ref: name , time: Time . at ( v . last ). strftime ( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %p" ) } end Rails . logger . debug " #{ self . class . name } . #{ __method__ } () Results= #{ results . count } " results end ## # Test Support -- Clear without delay def test_reset! @objects_storage_container . clear true end ## # Marshalling Support to preserve state of objects_storage_container # def _dump ( depth =- 1 ) Marshal . dump ( @objects_storage_container , depth ) end def self . _load ( str ) instance . reload_store Marshal . load ( str ) instance end def reload_store ( store ) @objects_storage_container = store end end end
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