Minimum Heap

Update: 1/2018 Added Linked-Lists to gem

A Minimum Heap is a binary tree data structure in which the data of each node is less than or equal to the data of that node’s children and the tree is complete.

Heaps are an efficient semi-ordered data structure for storing a collection of orderable data. The term binary heap and heap are interchangeable in most cases. A heap can be thought of as a tree with parent and child. The main difference between a heap and a binary tree is the heap property. In order for a data structure to be considered a heap, it must satisfy the following condition heap property:

Required Behaviors

A Binary Heap is a Binary Tree with following properties.

Depth First Traversals:
  (a) Inorder   (Left, Root, Right) : 4 2 5 1 3
  (b) Preorder  (Root, Left, Right) : 1 2 4 5 3
  (c) Postorder (Left, Right, Root) : 4 5 2 3 1
Breadth First Traversals (By Level) : 1 2 3 4 5



To experiment with this code, execute bin/console for an interactive prompt.

# Interactive Console Run
[jscott@imac MinimumHeap]$ bin/console

[1] pry(main)> heap =[{:description=>"Star Trek: Next Generation", :value=>102}, {:description=>"The Matrix", :value=>70}, {:description=>"Pacific Rim", :value=>72},
        {:description=>"Star Wars: Return of the Jedi", :value=>80}, {:description=>"Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior", :value=>98}, {:description=>"The Shawshank Redemption", :value=>91},
        {:description=>"Donnie Darko", :value=>85}, {:description=>"Star Wars: A New Hope", :value=>93}, {:description=>"Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back", :value=>94}, {:description=>"Braveheart", :value=>78},
        {:description=>"Inception", :value=>86}, {:description=>"Star Trek: Voyager", :value=>100}, {:description=>"Star Trek: Star Trek", :value=>99}, {:description=>"District 9", :value=>90},
        {:description=>"Star Trek: Deep Space 9", :value=>101}, {:description=>"The Martian", :value=>92}])
push Inserted at R/C/mR/cT => [0, 1, 1, 1], Root.Node => {:description=>"Star Trek: Next Generation", :value=>102}, Node.Parent => {:description=>"Heaps::EmptyNode", :value=>-1}
push Inserted at R/C/mR/cT => [1, 1, 2, 3], Node => {:description=>"The Matrix", :value=>70}, Node.Parent => {:description=>"Heaps::EmptyNode", :value=>-1}
push Inserted at R/C/mR/cT => [1, 2, 2, 3], Node => {:description=>"Pacific Rim", :value=>72}, Node.Parent => {:description=>"The Matrix", :value=>70}
push Inserted at R/C/mR/cT => [2, 1, 4, 7], Node => {:description=>"Star Wars: Return of the Jedi", :value=>80}, Node.Parent => {:description=>"Pacific Rim", :value=>72}
push Inserted at R/C/mR/cT => [2, 2, 4, 7], Node => {:description=>"Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior", :value=>98}, Node.Parent => {:description=>"Pacific Rim", :value=>72}
push Inserted at R/C/mR/cT => [2, 3, 4, 7], Node => {:description=>"The Shawshank Redemption", :value=>91}, Node.Parent => {:description=>"The Matrix", :value=>70}
push Inserted at R/C/mR/cT => [2, 4, 4, 7], Node => {:description=>"Donnie Darko", :value=>85}, Node.Parent => {:description=>"The Matrix", :value=>70}
push Inserted at R/C/mR/cT => [3, 1, 8, 15], Node => {:description=>"Star Wars: A New Hope", :value=>93}, Node.Parent => {:description=>"Star Wars: Return of the Jedi", :value=>80}
push Inserted at R/C/mR/cT => [3, 2, 8, 15], Node => {:description=>"Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back", :value=>94}, Node.Parent => {:description=>"Star Wars: Return of the Jedi", :value=>80}
push Inserted at R/C/mR/cT => [3, 3, 8, 15], Node => {:description=>"Braveheart", :value=>78}, Node.Parent => {:description=>"Pacific Rim", :value=>72}
push Inserted at R/C/mR/cT => [3, 4, 8, 15], Node => {:description=>"Inception", :value=>86}, Node.Parent => {:description=>"Star Wars: Return of the Jedi", :value=>80}
push Inserted at R/C/mR/cT => [3, 5, 8, 15], Node => {:description=>"Star Trek: Voyager", :value=>100}, Node.Parent => {:description=>"The Shawshank Redemption", :value=>91}
push Inserted at R/C/mR/cT => [3, 6, 8, 15], Node => {:description=>"Star Trek: Star Trek", :value=>99}, Node.Parent => {:description=>"The Shawshank Redemption", :value=>91}
push Inserted at R/C/mR/cT => [3, 7, 8, 15], Node => {:description=>"District 9", :value=>90}, Node.Parent => {:description=>"Donnie Darko", :value=>85}
push Inserted at R/C/mR/cT => [3, 8, 8, 15], Node => {:description=>"Star Trek: Deep Space 9", :value=>101}, Node.Parent => {:description=>"The Shawshank Redemption", :value=>91}
push Inserted at R/C/mR/cT => [4, 1, 16, 31], Node => {:description=>"The Martian", :value=>92}, Node.Parent => {:description=>"Braveheart", :value=>78}
=> {70:{72:{78:{92:{93:{}|{}}|{}}|{94:{}|{}}}|{80:{86:{}|{}}|{98:{}|{}}}}|{85:{90:{99:{}|{}}|{100:{}|{}}}|{91:{101:{}|{}}|{102:{}|{}}}}}

[2] pry(main)> heap.peek
=> {:description=>"The Matrix", :value=>70}

[3] pry(main)> heap
=> {70:{72:{78:{92:{93:{}|{}}|{}}|{94:{}|{}}}|{80:{86:{}|{}}|{98:{}|{}}}}|{85:{90:{99:{}|{}}|{100:{}|{}}}|{91:{101:{}|{}}|{102:{}|{}}}}}

[4] pry(main)> heap.to_a
=> [{:description=>"The Matrix", :value=>70},
 {:description=>"Pacific Rim", :value=>72},
 {:description=>"Braveheart", :value=>78},
 {:description=>"The Martian", :value=>92},
 {:description=>"Star Wars: A New Hope", :value=>93},
 {:description=>"Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back", :value=>94},
 {:description=>"Star Wars: Return of the Jedi", :value=>80},
 {:description=>"Inception", :value=>86},
 {:description=>"Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior", :value=>98},
 {:description=>"Donnie Darko", :value=>85},
 {:description=>"District 9", :value=>90},
 {:description=>"Star Trek: Star Trek", :value=>99},
 {:description=>"Star Trek: Voyager", :value=>100},
 {:description=>"The Shawshank Redemption", :value=>91},
 {:description=>"Star Trek: Deep Space 9", :value=>101},
 {:description=>"Star Trek: Next Generation", :value=>102}]

[6] pry(main)> heap.pop
Removing Node: {:description=>"The Matrix", :value=>70}
=> {:description=>"The Matrix", :value=>70, payload: {} }}

[7] pry(main)> heap.inspect
=> "{72:{78:{80:{92:{}|{}}|{94:{}|{}}}|{85:{86:{}|{}}|{98:{}|{}}}}|{90:{91:{99:{}|{}}|{100:{}|{}}}|{93:{101:{}|{}}|{102:{}|{}}}}}"

[8] pry(main)> heap.pop
Removing Node: {:description=>"Pacific Rim", :value=>72}
=> {:description=>"Pacific Rim", :value=>72, payload: {} }

[9] pry(main)> heap.inspect
=> "{78:{80:{85:{92:{}|{}}|{94:{}|{}}}|{86:{90:{}|{}}|{98:{}|{}}}}|{91:{93:{99:{}|{}}|{100:{}|{}}}|{101:{102:{}|{}}|{}}}}"

[10] pry(main)> heap.pop
Removing Node: {:description=>"Braveheart", :value=>78}
=> {:description=>"Braveheart", :value=>78, payload: {} }

[11] pry(main)> heap.inspect
=> "{80:{85:{86:{92:{}|{}}|{94:{}|{}}}|{90:{91:{}|{}}|{98:{}|{}}}}|{93:{99:{100:{}|{}}|{101:{}|{}}}|{102:{}|{}}}}"

[12] pry(main)> heap.pop
Removing Node: {:description=>"Star Wars: Return of the Jedi", :value=>80}
=> {:description=>"Star Wars: Return of the Jedi", :value=>80, payload: {} }

[13] pry(main)> heap.inspect
=> "{85:{86:{90:{92:{}|{}}|{94:{}|{}}}|{91:{93:{}|{}}|{98:{}|{}}}}|{99:{100:{101:{}|{}}|{102:{}|{}}}|{}}}"

[14] pry(main)> heap.pop
Removing Node: {:description=>"Donnie Darko", :value=>85}
=> {:description=>"Donnie Darko", :value=>85, payload: {} }

[15] pry(main)> heap.inspect
=> "{86:{90:{91:{92:{}|{}}|{94:{}|{}}}|{93:{98:{}|{}}|{99:{}|{}}}}|{100:{101:{102:{}|{}}|{}}|{}}}"

[16] pry(main)> heap.pop
Removing Node: {:description=>"Inception", :value=>86}
=> {:description=>"Inception", :value=>86, payload: {} }

[17] pry(main)> heap.inspect
=> "{90:{91:{92:{93:{}|{}}|{94:{}|{}}}|{98:{99:{}|{}}|{100:{}|{}}}}|{101:{102:{}|{}}|{}}}"

[18] pry(main)> heap.pop
Removing Node: {:description=>"District 9", :value=>90}
=> {:description=>"District 9", :value=>90, payload: {} }

[19] pry(main)> heap.inspect
=> "{91:{92:{93:{94:{}|{}}|{98:{}|{}}}|{99:{100:{}|{}}|{101:{}|{}}}}|{102:{}|{}}}"

[20] pry(main)> heap.pop
Removing Node: {:description=>"The Shawshank Redemption", :value=>91}
=> {:description=>"The Shawshank Redemption", :value=>91, payload: {} }

[21] pry(main)> heap.inspect
=> "{92:{93:{94:{98:{}|{}}|{99:{}|{}}}|{100:{101:{}|{}}|{102:{}|{}}}}|{}}"

[22] pry(main)> heap.pop
Removing Node: {:description=>"The Martian", :value=>92}
=> {:description=>"The Martian", :value=>92, payload: {} }

[23] pry(main)> heap.inspect
=> "{93:{94:{98:{99:{}|{}}|{100:{}|{}}}|{101:{102:{}|{}}|{}}}|{}}"

[24] pry(main)> heap.pop
Removing Node: {:description=>"Star Wars: A New Hope", :value=>93}
=> {:description=>"Star Wars: A New Hope", :value=>93, payload: {} }

[25] pry(main)> heap.inspect
=> "{94:{98:{99:{100:{}|{}}|{101:{}|{}}}|{102:{}|{}}}|{}}"

[26] pry(main)> heap.pop
Removing Node: {:description=>"Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back", :value=>94}
=> {:description=>"Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back", :value=>94, payload: {} }

[27] pry(main)> heap.inspect
=> "{98:{99:{100:{101:{}|{}}|{102:{}|{}}}|{}}|{}}"

[28] pry(main)> heap.pop
Removing Node: {:description=>"Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior", :value=>98}
=> {:description=>"Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior", :value=>98, payload: {} }

[29] pry(main)> heap.inspect
=> "{99:{100:{101:{102:{}|{}}|{}}|{}}|{}}"

[30] pry(main)> heap.pop
Removing Node: {:description=>"Star Trek: Star Trek", :value=>99}
=> {:description=>"Star Trek: Star Trek", :value=>99, payload: {} }

[31] pry(main)> heap.inspect
=> "{100:{101:{102:{}|{}}|{}}|{}}"

[32] pry(main)> quit

# Run Tests
$ bundle exec rspec
$ open docs/rspec.html
$ open coverage/index.html
$ bin/bench_heaps
$ bin/nodes

# Resources
# Class
# - MinHeap
# - MaxHeap
# Useage:
#      heap =   |      heap =
#               heap.push("label-text", 12, SomeObjectOrDataPayload)
#               heap.push("label-text", 45, SomeObjectOrDataPayload)
#               while heap.size do
#                 heap.pop
#               end
# Heap will be empty, as #pop deletes each node returned

# Ideal Interface
# - EmptyNode
# - Node
# - UserData | user_data default ['Label String', int]
#   * Examples:
#   *          ['Movie Title", 12]
#   *          [ ['Movie Title", 12], ... ]
#   *          [ {description: 'Movie Title", value: 12, payload: any-type-of-data} }, ... ]
#   *          ['Movie Title", 12, any-type-of-data), ... ]
module Heaps
    class MinHeap
       def self.heapify(user_data_ary)
       def initialize(args=[])

       def push(user_data)     | alias #<<
       def peek
       def include?(user_data)

       def pop
       def replace!(user_data)
       def delete!(user_data)

       def merge(other_heap)
       def merge!(other_heap)
       def union!(other_heap)

       def clear!
       def size     | alias #length
       def empty?
       def to_a
       def display
       def inspect  | alias #to_s


The common operations involving heaps are:


find-max or find-min:
find a maximum item of a max-heap, or a minimum item of a min-heap, respectively (a.k.a. peek)
adding a new key to the heap (a.k.a., push[3])
extract-max [or extract-min]:
returns the node of maximum value from a max heap [or minimum value from a min heap] after removing it from the heap (a.k.a., pop[4])
delete-max [or delete-min]:
removing the root node of a max heap [or min heap], respectively
pop root and push a new key. More efficient than pop followed by push, since only need to balance once, not twice, and appropriate for fixed-size heaps.[5]


create an empty heap
create a heap out of given array of elements
merge (union):
joining two heaps to form a valid new heap containing all the elements of both, preserving the original heaps.
joining two heaps to form a valid new heap containing all the elements of both, destroying the original heaps.


return the number of items in the heap.
return true if the heap is empty, false otherwise.


increase-key or decrease-key:
updating a key within a max- or min-heap, respectively
delete an arbitrary node (followed by moving last node and sifting to maintain heap)
move a node up in the tree, as long as needed; used to restore heap condition after insertion. Called “sift” because node moves up the tree until it reaches the correct level, as in a sieve.
move a node down in the tree, similar to sift-up; used to restore heap condition after deletion or replacement.

(Lists) Public Components

List::LinkedList          # List with forward (#next) navigation, and tail/open
List::DoublyLinkedList    # List with forward (#next) and backward (#prev) navigation, and head/tail open
List::CircularLinkedList  # List with forward (#next) and backward (#prev) navigation, and head/tail wrapping

Public Methods: Lists::LinkedList, Lists::DoublyLinkedList, and Lists::CircularLinkedList

Each concrete Class supports the following methods: Value based interface

Value based interface presumes a direct reference to the object is maintained and the following methods will be called on that
object instance as needed.  Each method will generally return the value contained in the node, Nil, or the int number of nodes

Navigation: return related value from relative positon in list, stops on first/last node for Single/Double, wraps for Circular.

  #first                       -- returns first value in list
  #next                        -- returns next value from current position
  #current                     -- returns current value
  #prev                        -- returns previous value from current position (*not supported in Single)
  #last                        -- returns last value from list
  #nth(i)                      -- returns value of node at +|- positon relative to current position, (*negative not supported in Singular)
  #at_index(i)                 -- returns value of i node relative to list's head

  #each                        -- yields each value in list when block given, on Enumerator object
  #to_a                        -- returns Array of each value in the list

  #node                        -- returns the current node (LinkedNode class)
  #clear                       -- removes all elements and return number of elements removed
  #empty?                      -- returns true if list has no elements, otherwise false
  #size                        -- returns total count of elements in the list
  #sort!(:direction, &block)   -- Sort existing list in place using :direction (:asc,:desc, :default) symbol
                                  if block is given, overrides :direction and uses custom proc to compare values
                                  block format is:  {|a,b| a >= b };  example: 'll.sort(:default) {|a,b| a <= b}'

Modification: returns number of elements in the list after the operation

  #insert(value)                        -- inserts value after node at current positon, or appends
  #append(value)                        -- inserts value after node at current positon
  #prepend(value)                       -- inserts value before node at current positon
  #insert_before(position_value, value) -- finds node matching position_value, then prepends new node
  #insert_after(position_value, value)  -- finds node matching position_value, then appends new node
  #remove(value)                        -- finds first node matching value, then destroys it

Initialization: optional &block to identify data key

  #new(*vargs, &block)         -- Instansiates new list and optionally creates nodes from each comma-seperated value;
                                  also, assigns &block as default value identifier for find and sort operations
                                  returns a class instance.
           compare_key_block example:  instance ={:key=>"Z"},{:key=>"S"},{:key=>"N"}) {|a| a[:key]}

Each concrete Class supports the following methods: Node based interface

Node based interface presumes a node is retrieved from the LinkedList, then using that/any available node all other methods
may be used.  Methods in play will include the LinkedNode (#next, #value, and #prev), along with all public methods from
the main class.

Navigation: return related Node from relative positon in list, stops on first/last node for Single/Double, wraps for Circular.

  #first_node                  -- returns first node
  #next_node                   -- returns next node from current position
  #current_node                -- returns current or last accessed node
  #prev_node                   -- returns previous node from current position (*not supported in Single)
  #last_node                   -- returns last node in list
  #node_value                  -- returns value of the current/receiver node:  $ receiver.node_value
  #node_request(method_sym, *vargs, &block)
                               -- executes any method on the Value based Interface, returning a node
  #node_value_request(method_sym, *vargs, &block)
                               -- executes any method on the Value based Interface, returning result value

Initialization: optional &block to identify data key

  #call(*vargs, &block)         -- Instansiates new list and creates nodes from each comma-seperated value;
                                  also, assigns &block as default value identifier for find and sort operations
                                  returns the first node -- else class instance
           compare_key_block example:  node ={:key=>"Z"},{:key=>"S"},{:key=>"N"}) {|a| a[:key]}

Gem Installation

Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'heaps'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install heaps


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


  1. $ git clone
  2. $ cd minimum_heap
  3. $ gem install bundler
  4. $ bin/setup
  5. $ bundle exec rspec
  6. $ gem build heaps.gemspec
  7. $ gem install heaps
    • Done


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.